
In return for the funding that we offer, we require all individuals who are given grants by the Trust to submit reports on the activities for which the grant was given to the Secretary. This must be done within two months of completing that activity.
These reports are important for several reasons:
Trustees – to monitor the progress and success of different types of activity.
Donors – to demonstrate the fabulous opportunities that their generosity has helped enable and to encourage further giving (enabling other young people to access similar opportunities).
Potential Recipients (MOST IMPORTANT) – to provide inspiration and guidance in planning activities in their sixth-form years.
Some find it daunting to write their report, but it need not be, and indeed it can add to your enjoyment and memory of the activity.
We do not demand any set format for the report and no target word count, though we strongly urge you to be creative, using a diverse range of media and technologies to create a record of your trip. Our new Report Template could help. That said, we would suggest that the report tells the whole story, from the early planning phases right through to your return to civilisation!
Start planning your report BEFORE you begin your adventure.
Generate content as you go along – this will make the process of report creation more reflective and much more fun!
Be creative – consider new media and technologies. The Trust would be prepared to offer technical and commercial assistance if required (this should be requested as part of the initial application)
Make it personal – let it reflect your emotions, thoughts, impressions and highlights. We would hope that you are able to describe difficulties as well as successes.
Since it may be used by others as a basis for planning, it should include details of place, communications, climate and time of year.
Photographs, videos and other imagery should be an important part of the report and should try to illustrate something of the atmosphere and people involved in the activity for which the grant was given. Since we may wish to reproduce some of the photographs on our website and in other promotional material, we may ask for digital copies or prints of your photos, which will be returned. We also assume that we are able to use all images that you provide within the report on the Trust website and in other promotional material.